Award Introduction

Best Original Screenplay Award

This award is given to screenwriters who have demonstrated outstanding creativity and narrative in recognition of their unique and innovative creations.

Best Adapted Screenplay Award

This award recognizes screenwriters who have successfully adapted original works or real events into film scripts, accurately capturing the spirit of the original works.

Best Science Fiction/Fantasy Screenplay Award

This award is given to the best science fiction or fantasy script, recognizing its outstanding creativity and imagination.

Best Thriller/Suspense Screenplay Award

This award is given to the best thriller or suspense script, known for its tense pace and excellent plot design.

Best Comedy Screenplay Award

This award recognizes the best comedy script in terms of humor, plot twists and character performance.

Best War/Historical Screenplay Award

This award is given to screenwriters who have performed outstandingly in depicting war, historical events or period backgrounds.

Best Independent Screenplay Award

This award recognizes outstanding screenwriters in low-budget or independent film production environments.

Best Animation Screenplay Award

This award is given to the best animated film script, recognized for its creativity, plot development and character design. 

Best Short Film Script Award

Recognizes outstanding short film scripts that can fully present stories and characters within a limited length.

Best Youth Script Award

Awarded to the most promising and creative works among young screenwriters to encourage the growth and development of a new generation of creators.

Best Documentary Script Award

Recognizes documentary scripts that excel in real events, people or social issues.

Best Female Perspective Script Award

This award pays tribute to scripts written from a female perspective, emphasizing the complexity and depth of female characters.

Best Multimedia Script Award

Awarded to scripts that combine multiple media forms (such as movies, the Internet, games, etc.) to demonstrate creativity and expression across traditional boundaries.